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Strategic Sports has published its first Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)  report with the goal of outlining the company's management methods and performance in environmental, economic, and socially sustainable development for its stakeholders.


Since 1991, the mission of the Strategic Sports Group has been to become a helmet specialist for the world,¡± said Norman Cheng, Managing Director of Strategic Sports LTD. 

¡°Putting people first and protecting lives has always been among our core values. Protecting lives should be particularly reflected in the face of the challenges posed by climate change to human lives and safety. We must make even greater efforts in this regard as our planet is faced with increasing extreme weather that is destructive to society and deadly to individuals,¡± Cheng said. 

¡°My journey began when I was helping my daughter with her paper on Climate Change when she was in high school. The USA had just pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, and my daughter, Serena, realized governments were not leading this fight. She focused on what each and every one of us can do -¡°Let¡¯s do our share¡± became her motto,¡± Cheng continued. 


¡°Then she looked at me and asked what we at Strategic Sports were doing. I could only say - nothing! The look of disappointment is still in my mind, and the next day, I started Strategic Sports on our journey to fight climate change. We extend our offer to share what we have learned and how we can cut energy usage to create a better future for ourselves and our children,¡± Cheng said, ¡°Together, we do our share!¡±

To implement the concept of sustainable ESG management based on the Strategic Sports Group¡¯s emission status and referencing excellent domestic and international cases and standards, Strategic Sports has planned a carbon reduction path of ¡°Carbon Inventory - Carbon Emission Reduction ‒ Carbon Neutral.¡± 











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