以人为本 专业创新
守法合规 全员品质
环保节能 持续改善
l 以人为本:视员工、客户、厂商为伙伴,建立团队的和谐和向心力。
l 专业创新:致力于技术创新和管理创新,保持竞争力领先全行业。
l 守法合规: 严格遵循相关的法律法规经营,持续提升企业的良好形象。
l 全员品质:提升全员品质意识,以准时、优质、低成本赢取客户的信心。
l 环保节能:通过不断的技术改进升级,使生产过程及输出产品更加环保节能。
l 持续改善:通过精益管理作持续改善,创造更亲民的产品。
Quality/ Environment/ Energy policy:
People First, Professional Innovation
Compliance and Regulation, Total Quality
Protection and Energy Saving, Continuous Improvement
l People First: Staff, customers and suppliers together in
partnership, build up the team work and trust.
l Professional
Innovation: Innovation in management, production processes and
product, be competitive and lead our industry.
l Compliance and
Regulation: Strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations, continuously
enhancing the company's positive image.
l Total Quality: Enhance
the quality awareness of all employees, winning customer confidence with
punctuality, high quality, and low cost.
l Environmental
Protection and Energy Saving: Continuously upgrade technology to make production
processes and products more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient.
l Continuous Improvement: Through lean
management, create user friendly products.
The quality/environment/energy policy is the overall aim and direction of
the company's quality/environment/energy management work and is our quality
commitment to customers. All employees must continuously strengthen their
understanding and implement it in their work.